Friday, June 8

heading north

Since we were unable to take a honeymoon after our wedding in October, we've planned a weeklong getaway in Vermont starting tomorrow and culminating with Christopher's college reunion next weekend. Life has been so busy and hectic in the past month and we've seen so little of each other; the timing is perfect (though yes, I HAVE given up design work because of this).

I'll try to check in and post photos of our vacation, but it looks like there's only dial up at the house we're renting. Hopefully there's an internet cafe or something nearby.

As for this photo, some of you might be scratching your heads about why there's a picture of Cadillac Mountain, in Maine, when we're going to Vermont. I have to confess that I don't yet have any pictures of Vermont, only Maine. I did look around on Flickr for some good Vermont photos to steal, but all the good ones were copyrighted.

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