we are away
In case you didn't know (and I don't think I mentioned it here), we're on vacation. We arrived in Seattle on Monday night, walked around and visited friends yesterday and then headed to Vancouver, BC this morning. We'll return to Seattle on Friday night and get a little more time there before going home.
I've been a photo fiend. A highlight from yesterday: touring Rem Koolhaas' Seattle Public Library. Those of you who knit will recognize it as inspiration for Jared Flood's Koolhaas hat pattern. The building is rather incredible, full of amazing little pockets and inspiring study spaces. Seattlites are very, very lucky. Today we wandered around a chilly and wet Vancouver, poking around and seeing a little of the local color.
I had been told that this was a more temperate climate and so only brought my trench coat, beret, mittens and scarf to wear outside. Oh, for my warm and wooly shawl! Oh, for my winter coat!
More photos can be seen on my Flickr account.
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