Wednesday, January 21

looking ahead

I stayed home yesterday to watch the inauguration and work on a grant application. I also finished my Alpine shrug while watching the speech. It's currently soaking (it needs major blocking), so I have just this one photo of it, a little preview. Anyway, the inauguration. I can't remember having watched one before, though I remember the excitement of Clinton being inaugurated when I was in high school. The whole ceremony reminded me of a wedding, strangely. The introductions, the processions, the chatter about what people were wearing. Even lines were flubbed.
I actually thought that something would change at noon yesterday, but when I looked outside, it was the same. I say this because on election night at 11pm, my street was filled with cheers and gunshots, and though somewhat frightening, it was also very exciting. There weren't any cheers yesterday, just some woman walking down the median.

I found this photo on Facebook. It was taken by a friend of a friend, and seeing it made me rather emotional. He said that I can post it here, so here you go. I hope the love lasts. I'm afraid that our expectations are too high, that we can only be disappointed...


t does wool said...

let's think positive thoughts...our nation has a way to go.
That sweater is gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

The sweater is beautiful. And so is that photo of the little girl hugging the Obamas on TV!

I am confident that the love will last. There will be a honeymoon period, which is bound to end. But the man and his people are sound and right-minded and smart, and there is a huge amount of support and interest from the electorate - much more than I ever remember seeing. (First I remember was IKE's election in 1952! And great interest and support internationally. The world wants this administration! EBSB

Hilary said...

Oh that last photo is absolutely precious!

Your shrug looks gorgeous...beautiful color, neat stitch pattern. I can't wait to see more!

ADW said...

Is that a NEW big flat-screen tv?
Didn't your husband salivate over Oona's when you guys were in PA?? !! Alright Christopher!!!

ps- i'm knitting a shrug too, I can't wait to see the pictures of yours! When I'm done I'll post some pics of mine..

ADW said...

OH! and I got a CC of Noro to make the Noro socks, just turned the heel and they look great but I think I prefer your colors cause, you know, the grass is always greener ;)