Tuesday, March 6

what comes next?

A few weeks ago, I decided that I needed a new winter sweater. After a balmy start to winter, the cold arrived in January and I felt ill-prepared. I have many sweaters but only a handful of really warm ones, and these I wore over and over again, ignoring the fact that some of these sweaters didn't fit so well anymore or were missing buttons or reminded my co-worker of Heidi.

Since I was in the mood for a new knitting project, I started in on a sweater I found in an old issue of Interweave Knits. What I liked about it were the cables, the shape and the fact it was a cardigan. After knitting about 5 inches of it, I realized that I didn't like the rest of it: the color I chose, the seed stich or this weird twist stitch that looks like a mistake. I decided not to continue the sweater, opting instead to start a lace camisole project for summer.

The thing is, I haven't had the heart to tear out my ill-fated cardigan. My plan was to recycle the yarn, make it into a nice red ball that would someday inspire me in more positive ways. But in the past day or two I've had other ideas. What if I made it into a hat? or a short scarf that could button or pin shut? I bet it's really warm, and the cables do look nice. Ideas, anyone?

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